Well, isn't that a happy little question! When comparing decimals, you want to look at the place value. In this case, 0.41 is bigger than 0.041 because the 4 is in the tenths place in 0.41, while it's in the hundredths place in 0.041. Just remember, there are no mistakes in art or math, only happy little accidents!
1.50 is bigger than 1.05.
0.41%0.0041= 0.0041 * 100%= 0.41%
5/8 is bigger than 1/4 because if you express these as decimals: 5/8 = 0.6251/4 = 0.25
Decimals are just numbers. If you can tell that 47 is greater than 32, then you can tell that 0.47 is greater than 0.32
Well, honey, let me break it down for you. In the world of decimals, more zeros to the right means smaller value. So, 0.010 is bigger than 0.001. It's as simple as that, darling.
0041 = forty-one
well look at the decimals if the first is bigger than its usally bigger the more numbers the smaller it is
yes 0.14 bigger
1.50 is bigger than 1.05.
Decimals occupy the spaces between whole numbers; they are bigger than some, and smaller than some others.
If the denominators are the same then it will have a bigger numerator or change them into decimals and then compare them.
0.625 > 0.622
What is bigger 0.3 0.03 0.033
thousandths in decimals and whole #'s
No because they are both equivalent decimals