If the numerator (the number at the top of the fraction) is bigger than the denominator (the number at the bottom), then the fraction is more than 1.
Fraction 1/4(25%) is 0.25, which is bigger then 0.00
When the numerator gets bigger, the fraction gets bigger; that is, it has a greater value The opposite is true if the denominator gets bigger; in this case the the fraction gets smaller; that is, it has a lesser value
2.6 is bigger.
You can make a fraction that is bigger, or smaller, than a mixed number.
A fraction f is greater than a fraction g if (f - g) is positive.
A fraction bigger than one is an improper fraction.
If the numerator (the number at the top of the fraction) is bigger than the denominator (the number at the bottom), then the fraction is more than 1.
The bigger the denominator(lowest) the smaller the fraction
what fraction is bigger 3/5 or 2/3
Fraction 1/4(25%) is 0.25, which is bigger then 0.00
When the numerator gets bigger, the fraction gets bigger; that is, it has a greater value The opposite is true if the denominator gets bigger; in this case the the fraction gets smaller; that is, it has a lesser value
No! The fraction seven eighths is bigger than the fraction four fifths.
You can subtract the bigger fraction by the smaller fraction and then put a minus sign in front of the answer.
An improper fraction
21.25 is bigger.
2.6 is bigger.