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0.00435 is already in decimal form

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What is scientific notation for 000435?

4.35 X 102

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What are equivalent decimals?

They are decimals that have equal value.

What two decimals are equal to 0.9?

two decimals are equal to 0.9 = 0.90, 0.900

What are two decimals equal to 0.8?

two decimals equal to 0.8 = 0.80, 0.800

What are two decimals that are equal to 3.7?

two decimals that are equal to 3.7 = 3.70, 3.700

What are two equal decimals too?

there are no such things as equal decimals (at least that is what i think correct me if i am wrong)

Which number is equal to 00435 A 00.435 B 004.35 C 0043.5 D 435?

Which number is equal to 00435 A 00.435 Wrong. This changes the value of the number completely. B 004.35 Wrong. This changes the value of the number completely. C 0043.5 Wrong. This changes the value of the number completely. D 435 - This one is correct. Without any decimal, you can add endless zeros to the front without changing the number value---as long as it does not contain decimals. So (without decimals) then, the number 435 is the same as 0435 and the same as 00435 and the same as 000435 etc.

How do you write 000435 in scientific notation?

43.5 x 10 negative5

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