You can see clearly that the answer is 256, but if you have to, 30 x 8 = 240
900 would be a fair estimate
You could estimate is as 0.5
The closest estimate is the exact answer. For any other estimate, you can always get closer.
32x8= what
32x8 normally means 32 registers of 8 bit width.
you can find that by knowing the basics for example 32X8=256 so you just add a 0!
Mathematicians use the word estimate.
900 would be a fair estimate
Estimate that to be 10.
Estimate is a verb.
The word 'estimate' is both a noun (estimate, estimates) and a verb (estimate, estimates, estimating, estimated).Example uses:Noun: The estimate for repairing the fender was too high.Verb: I called some contractors to estimate the cost of a new garage.
You can estimate when an exact answer is not needed.
It is an estimate that is quite safe
You could estimate is as 0.5