Of course all the decimals have fractions except those with non-recurring and non-terminating decimals.
No. Mixed numbers are a number and a fraction.
All decimals are worked in devisions of 10. Fraction can be a division of any number.
Hit MATH and then 1 to change from decimal to fraction or 2 to change from fraction to decimal
25100 is an integer and so there is not really a sensible way of writing it as a fraction or mixed number.
It is 25100/1000 or, equivalently, 251/10.
5/100 x 25100 =1255
Restate the question: If you can write a fraction as a decimal, can you write a decimal as a fraction?Yes.
155 is an integer not a fraction.
If you convert repeating decimals into a fraction, you see that the repeating decimals are rational.
you can change the fraction into a decimal or vice-versa
They are related because you can comvert decimals into fractions,and fractions into decimals.
Of course all the decimals have fractions except those with non-recurring and non-terminating decimals.