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you can change the fraction into a decimal or vice-versa

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Q: How do you multiply decimals by a fraction?
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How do you multiply fraction by another fraction or a whole number?

turn both fractions into decimals and then multiply!

How do you multiply decimals with fractions?

Change the decimal into a fraction or the easier way is to turn the fration into a decimal, then multiply.

Can you multiply factors with decimals?

You can multiply to numbers with decimals

When you multiply two decimals the answer is the?

When you Multiply two decimals it is called the product.

How do you divide 1.73 and didvide it by 519 using decimals?

* Express 1.73 as a decimal ( 173 ) 100 * Multiply the denominator by 519 and simplify the fraction?

What is 46.3 percent as a fraction?

46.3% = 46.3/100 But you can't have decimals in fractions so you multiply them both by 10 and you get: 463/1000 which does not cancel down.

When you Write ma fraction as a decimals you write decimals Of fractions?

Restate the question: If you can write a fraction as a decimal, can you write a decimal as a fraction?Yes.

What is the fraction 155 as a decimals?

155 is an integer not a fraction.

What is Multiply decimals by decimals 14.50 and 3.5?

Blah blah blah

How do you make a decimal with 3 decimals into a fraction?

You can multiply it by the denominator of the fraction you want to turn it in to. For example, .125 * 8 = 1, therefore, 1/8 = .125. Keep in mind that only some decimals can be made into simplified fractions. For example, .453 can be represented in simplest form as 453/1000.

How does place value affect decimals when you multiply?

it affects because when you multiply you have to move the decimals to the left or right.......(helpful info)

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