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you would know because it is the postive that is the highest number. not the negative

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Q: What is greater when one number is positive and one number is negative?
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How do you decide which of two numbers is greater when one number is positive and one number is negative?

The positive number is always greater.

Rules for adding integers?

When you add: a negative and a negative: you get a negative a positive and a positive: you get a positive a positive and a negative or a negative and a positive: Subtract the addend with the smaller value from the greater one. If the greater one is positive, your answer will be positive. If the greater addend is negative, your answer will be negative.

How do you decide which number is greater when one number is negative and one number is positive?

ANY positive number is greater than any negative number. Imagine you are digging a hole, and piling up the dirt you remove from the hole. The hole represents negative numbers- it goes lower than the surface. The piled up dirt represents positive numbers- it is higher than the surface. The surface is zero- neither positive or negative.

Which is greater negative 7 or positive 8?

Try to visualize the numbers on a number line. If one number is more to the right than another one (with the number line in standard position), it is greater. Specifically, any positive number is greater than any negative number.

What are the rules for adding numbers whose signs are different?

Positive plus positive is positive. Negative plus negative is negative. Positive plus negative is positive if the absolute value of the positive number is greater than the absolute value of the negative one. Positive plus negative is negative if the absolute value of the negative number is greater than the absolute value of the positive one.

List the conditions when the sum of a positive number and several negative numbers will be positive?

This is not my answer but one posted by a classmate of mine. The positive number must be greater than the absolute value of the sum of the negative numbers

How is a negative integer less then any positive integer?

Because positive numbers are to the right of negative numbers on the number line. If you have two numbers, one the negative of the other, and you add the positive to the negative, you get zero. If you add the positive to zero, you get a positive number. So positive numbers are an increase from zero, which is an increase from negative numbers. A negative number may have a greater absolute value than a positive number, but it will always be less than a positive number.

How can you compare a positive integer to a negative integer?

All positive integers are all greater than negative integers.

What numbers are greater than five times ten to the negative sixth power?

Add any positive number to that number, and you'll get one that is greater. Or, since it's a positive number, multiply it by any number larger than one.

How do i times by a minus number?

The same as a positive one. If you are multiplying a positive number by a negative, the answer will be negative. If you are multiplying a negative number by a negative, the answer will be positive.

What happens when you multiply positive by a number greater than one?

A positive number is a number greater than zero. Therefore: 5 x 2 = 10 is one example.

When you multiply a positive number by ba negative one what is the sign of the answer?

when you multiply a positive number by a negative number it is a negative. if u multiply a negative by a negative then it is positive