No integers are specified in the question, although the answer would be any negative number less than -2 or any positive number greater than 2.
The absolute value of the answer will be greater than the absolute value of the original.
A vulgar fraction is one in which the absolute value of the numerator is greater than the absolute value of the denominator.
A negative integer is a number less than zero. In this case, -5 is greater than -9 because when comparing negative integers, the one with the higher absolute value is considered greater. In other words, -5 is closer to zero on the number line than -9, making it the larger negative integer.
At least one of the integers is negative.
When adding two integers, the answer will be positive if both integers are positive, or if one is negative but its absolute value is smaller than the absolute value of the positive integer.
The absolute value of the answer will be greater than the absolute value of the original.
A vulgar fraction is one in which the absolute value of the numerator is greater than the absolute value of the denominator.
The sum of two positive integers is positive. The sum of two negative integers is negative. The sum of one positive integer and one negative integer has the same sign as the addend with the greater absolute value. If the absolute values of the two addends are equal, the sum is zero.
A vulgar (not vulgal!) fraction is one in which the absolute value of the numerator is greater than the absolute value of the denominator.
There is no systematic pattern: it can be smaller than, equal to or greater than one or both integers.
It means that you take the absolute values of different numbers, and then compare them to see which one is greater.
The sum of two integers is positive whenever the integer with the larger absolute value is positive. The sign of the other one doesn't matter.
The value of the sum of their absolute values is one possible answer.
The sum of the absolute values of two numbers is greater or equal than the absolute values of the sum. It will be equal if both are positive or both are negative; greater if one is positive and one is negative. Try it out with some sample numbers!