A milligram (mg) is a measurement unit: it has no numerical value associated with it and so there is no decimal equivalent. If you want a milligram represented as a decimal equivalent of another unit: a pound or microgram, for example, you need to say so.
3500/95 * 100 = 3684.211% (to 3 decimal places).
8.5 IS in decimal form.
The number is in decimal form!
That IS the decimal form.
To write 1.30 as a decimal form, you can simply drop the trailing zero after the decimal point. Therefore, 1.30 is equivalent to 1.3 in decimal form.
That is the decimal form.
3500/95 * 100 = 3684.211% (to 3 decimal places).
0.29 IS in decimal form.
That is decimal form.
That is the decimal form.
That is the decimal form.
It is in decimal form.
This is in decimal form.
That IS the decimal form.
62.5 is in decimal form. If you mean 62.5% then it is 0.625 in decimal form.
100% in decimal form is 1.00. 50% in decimal form is 0.50. Therefore, 82.7% in decimal form is 0.827.