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A natural number is any integer (whole number) that is greater than 0 (although sometimes, 0 is also included). So 1, 5 and 8,748,728,427,817 are natural numbers but -1, 3.5 and 4/3 are not.

Non-natural numbers are any numbers that are not natural numbers such as those listed above.

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What are even natural numbers?

even, whole, non-negative numbers. (zero is not a natural number)

A member of the set that includes natural numbers and zero?

The extended set of natural numbers, or the non-negative integers.

Are all integer natural numbers?

No, natural numbers only include non-negative integers.

Can a decimal number be a natural number?

No. Natural numbers are the non-negative integers.

Is 1.2112111211112111112 a natural number?

Any number that has non-zero digits after the decimal point is NOT a natural number.

Another name for natural numbers is?

Natural numbers are:counting numbersnon-negative, non-zero integers; positive integersnon-zero whole numbers; positive whole numbers

What are natural and integer numbers?

Integers are those numbers that can be written without a fraction or decimal component, such as 1,200,37,-4 Natural numbers are the non negative integers.

Natural numbers non example?

A banana. It is not even a number so it is a brilliant non-example.

Is irrational number natural number?

Irrationl number is non-terminating and non-recurring. eg: pi, 2.435457645....... Natural number is a set of counting numbers, i.e., 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9........ Therefore natural numbers are terminating. So they are not irrational

What numbers are also called natural numbers?

Natural numbers are non-negative whole numbers (no decimals or fractions). This would be 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, etc...

What is natural integers?

Natural numbers are integers. They are the non-negative integers : 0, 1, 2, 3, and so on.

What set of integers list the natural numbers?

Traditionally, the set of integers that represents the natural numbers is {1,2,3,...}, which are the positive integers. Some people include the non-negative integers as the set of natural numbers, which is {0,1,2,3,...}, and includes 0.