One tablespoon can be expressed as 1/16 of a cup because it takes 16 tablespoons to make a cup.
It is 100/240, a fraction which can be simplified if required.
Yes. It can be expressed as a fraction of a cup, of a fraction of a bucketful.
It is approx 0.35 cups.
88% of a cup
Simply 1/1 cup
Yes, you are correct.
It is 1/4.
150 over 100
You didn't give us enough information to compare a cup to something else. What fraction of WHAT is one cup?
One tablespoon can be expressed as 1/16 of a cup because it takes 16 tablespoons to make a cup.
1/8, since there are eight fluid ounces in one cup.
no fraction 8 oz = 1 cup
Not by itself. A cup of salt may be a fraction of the total amount of salt in the world, but just sitting there, a cup of salt is a cup of salt.
The answer depends on what it is meant to be a fraction of.
1.25 cup
1 cup = 0.0625 gallons = 1/16 gallons