Sixteen percent of one hundred percent is: 0.16
one sixteenth percent of one hundred = 0.06251/16% * 100= 0.0625%/100% * 100= 0.0625
2/6 is 1/3 which is 33.33 percent
One sixth plus four sixths equals five sixths, or 5/6.
Big...... Divide the numerater by the denominator times the decimal by one hundred and that will give you a percent.
one half
It is 0.000651, approx.
Sixteen percent of one hundred percent is: 0.16
4/6 = 2/3 = .6666667
half a percent
1% of 100 is 1. Percent means per one hundred.
8 and 5 sixths percent = (85/6)/100 = 53/600
1 percent.
120 percent of the number 85 is one hundred and two.