One million, seventy thousand, seventy.
One thousand, eight hundred seventy-five millionths.
1.075 = one and seventy five thousandths.
To write one million one hundred seventy thousand, you would write it as 1,170,000. This is because one million is represented by the numeral 1 followed by six zeros, and one hundred seventy thousand is represented by the numerals 1-7-0-0-0-0. Therefore, combining the two numbers results in 1,170,000.
Eight million seventy thousand in numbers is 8,070,000
The standard form is 70,901.1
Seventy-eight thousand, five hundred six and one tenth.
one hundred thousand, seventy
In Britain, I would write one thousand and seventy-five.An American might say one thousand seventy-five.
In numbers 1070 putting it in words one thousand and seventy.
The decimal of one thousand seventy thousandths is 1.07
The answer is 7.
170,000 can be written as "one hundred seventy thousand."
$ 1075
One thousand six hundred seventy-six.
It is five thousand one hundred seventy nine.