Percentage reactance of a transformer (or in general, a circuit) is the percentage of phase voltage drop when full load current flows through it, i.e
Now Short Circuit Current is V/X
So short Circuit current is I*(100/%X).
The reactance is taken imaginary because it does not consume any power directly but reactance like inductive or capacitive reactance provides phase shift of 90 degree, whether it provides a leading phase shift or lagging phase shift. In case of inductor the current lags voltage by 90 degree while in case of capacitor current leads by 90 degree. Thus only resistance is taken as real while combination of resistance and capacitance is called impedence.... Ashish Sharma AP ECE HIET Shahpur
The percentage impedance of a transformer is the volt drop on full load due to the winding resistance and leakage reactance expressed as a percentage of the rated voltage.It is also the percentage of the normal terminal voltage required to circulate full-load current under short circuit conditionsThe impedance is measured by means of a short circuit test. With one winding shorted, a voltage at the rated frequency is applied to the other winding sufficient to circulate full load currentZ% = Impedance Voltage x 100Rated Voltage
as a percentage of what.
Percentage is considered a singular noun: The percentage of unemployed citizens is usually about five percent.
On base percentage plus slugging percentage
Percentage reactance of a transformer (or in general, a circuit) is the percentage of phase voltage drop when full load current flows through it, i.e %X=(IX/V)*100. Now Short Circuit Current is V/X So short Circuit current is I*(100/%X).
Inductive reactance, as well as capacitive reactance, is measured in ohms.
Inductive reactance.
The reciprocal of reactance is susceptance, expressed in siemens.
The symbol for inductive reactance is XL.
The quantity symbol for reactance is X.
for inductor, reactance XL = 2*pi* f *L, if frequency doubles then reactance increase. But for capacitor, reactance Xc = 1/(2*pi*f*C). In this case if frequency doubles the reactance decrease.
The overall reactance of the armature winding is the sum of its leakage reactance plus fictitious reactance, which is known as synchronous reactance (Xs).Xs=XL+Xarwhere XL and Xar are in Ω/phase. Therefore, Xs is in Ω/phase.The impedance of armature winding is obtained by combining its resistance and its synchronous reactance.
Inductive reactance does NOT have it own sign or symbol. Rather, it uses Ohms as a quantifier. But Capacitive reactance ALSO uses Ohms as a quantifier. Fortunately, 1 Ohm of Inductive reactance is cancelled by 1 Ohm of Capacitive reactance at the same frequency of measurement.
Because it is. Capacitive reactance is a form of resistance, along with inductive reactance. All are measured in ohms.
Inductive reactance, as well as capacitive reactance, is measured in ohms.
The unit of measurement for inductive reactance (XL) is the ohm.