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A prime implicant of a function is an implicant that cannot be covered by a more general (more reduced - meaning with fewer literals) implicant. W.V. Quine defined a prime implicant of F to be an implicant that is minimal - that is, the removal of any literal from P results in a non-implicant for F. Essential prime implicants are prime implicants that cover an output of the function that no combination of other prime implicants is able to cover.

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Q: What is prime implicant and essential prime implicant?
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C-prime is the dominant note in the song "Defying Gravity" in the musical "Wicked."Specifically, two stanzas are Elphaba's contributions to "Defying Gravity" in "Wicked." The notes of the first stanza are the same as those of the second. The following lists the notes sung by Elphaba in each of her two stanzas on the soundtrack of the original Broadway cast:C-prime, d-prime, f-prime (5 in succession), g-prime;C-prime, d-prime, f-prime (3), g-prime (2);A-prime (2), g-prime, f-prime, e-prime, f-prime, d-double prime (2), c-double prime;C-prime, b flat-prime, a-prime, g-prime, f-prime;C-prime, b flat-prime, a-prime, g-prime, f-prime, e-prime, d-prime;C-prime, b, c-prime, b, c-prime, g-prime, c-prime, c-prime, g;C-prime, b, c-prime, a, g (2);C-prime, b, c-prime, g-prime, c-prime, b, c-prime, c-double prime, b-prime, g-prime, c-prime (2), d-prime (2), c-prime;E-prime (3), d-prime, c-prime, g, c-prime;E-prime (2), d-prime, c-prime, b, g, a-prime, g-prime.

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