A Rough Cost Estimate is an initial estimate that uses prior experience and other non-project data to estimate the cost of a project. It is also called a Rough Order of Magnitude (ROM) estimate, or a Conceptual Estimate. The Rough Cost Estimate is used for project screening, or deciding which among several projects to proceed with.
it is a method of estimation used in school e.g 698,656,675,689=700,700,700,700next step is to multiply 700 X 4=2800
The answer will depend on the extent of rounding required.
It is 36000.
It is 600.
With a rough estimation.
A method of making a rough measurement is: Estimation Answered by :PopTy13
A rough estimate is given when the situation does not require the exact numbers to be given.
Estimation enables you to obtain a rough answer using only mental maths. An approximate answer can sometimes be sufficient.
Estimation is making a rough guess to the approximate answer but it does'nt have to be exact. Guessing is giving random answers without thinking whether it's approximate or not.
Although it is not exact, it is a decent rough estimation
Two hundred years on average, but it's a rough estimation Or 100 years
Sometimes a quick but rough guess at the answer is preferable to an exact answer obtained after much time and effort.
The word estimate can be a noun and a verb. Noun: A rough calculation. Verb: To calculate roughly.
Rough estimation here, but about 3 rolls of pennies. So..150 pennies.
A rough estimation is in low few thousands. This is because their were hunted and classed as endangered by 1950s. The pre-whaling population is estimated to be around 350,000 bur 88% of the Whales were killed and only a couple of thousand remain currently.
Square roots are computed using the Babylonian method, calculators, Newton's method, or the Rough estimation method. * * * * * Or the Newton-Raphson method.