

How could estimation be helpful?

Updated: 9/16/2023
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14y ago

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Estimation enables you to obtain a rough answer using only mental maths. An approximate answer can sometimes be sufficient.

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Q: How could estimation be helpful?
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When is estimation the most helpful?

Estimation make us got to the answer quickly.

What is the estimation of 589714?

That depends how precise the estimation needs to be. It could be 600000, but it could be 589714.

How can estimating be helpful before finding the actual product in mulpliying?

Early estimation can help give an indication of the answer.

How is estimation helpful when finding a product mentally?

Sensible estimates can change the numbers to ones which you can work with more easily mentally.

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It could be 0.2 to one decimal place.

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Ask a biologist;)

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That depends to what degree you are estimating. It could be 3290, 3300, 3000...

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there might be too many in the world to have an exact answer, but there could be an estimation.

How do you know when your decimal numbers are placed correctly?

You could try estimation to get an idea of the magnitude of the answer.

What is approximate estimation?

If an estimation, or estimate, is a guess, an approximate estimation is a rougher guess.

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What is the estimation 328000

How could you use estimation to check3.99 and 0.84?

Estimate 3.99 as 4. The answer will be one less than 4 + 0.84