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Lenny Schumm

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Q: What is the 16-bit hexadecimal representation of the signed decimal integers -45?
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What is the largest hexadecimal number that can represented with 7 bits?

If it is unsigned representation (meaning high bit is not sign bit) then it is 7F which has a decimal equivalent of 127. If it is a signed number (meaning high bit is sign bit) then numbers range from decimal -64 to +63

What is the importance of hexadecimal?

Hex is used to represent computer addresses, as well as colors in HTML. You do not need to know how to multiply in hex integers, merely understand and be able to read them. Hex is also useful in being able to tell what the representation of a signed integer actually is in binary.

What is fffffhttp used for?

HTTP is obviously the hyper-text transport protocol, but there is no such thing as FFFFHTTP. In all instances I've encountered it, it appears to be an encoding error, where FFFF is the hexadecimal representation of the signed decimal value -1, or the unsigned decimal value 65,535. It is usually preceded by other hexadecimal numbers as part of a function call, such as "function( 0000, 0000, FFFF, http://etc...)". Viewing the source code shows the comma is still there so it's not clear why these particular symbols are concatenated without a comma during rendering.

How do signed numbers differ from integers?

Positive signed numbers with have a + Positive integers will not.

What is -1 1 2?

It is a list of three signed integers

What is a signed decimal number?


Is unsigned integer available in java?

No..Java Supports Signed positive and negative integers

Why do you need signed and unsigned integer?

We need signed integers in order to represent both negative and positive values. However, some numbers can never be negative. For instance, the size of a file must always be greater than or equal to zero so we use unsigned integers to represent file sizes. Also, natural numbers must be greater than 0 so there's no point in using a signed value to represent a natural number. Signed integers also use one bit to denote the sign, but unsigned integers do not thus unsigned integers can effectively represent twice the range of positive values than an unsigned integer can. For instance, an 8-bit signed value can represent values in the range -128 to +127 using twos complement notation, but an 8-bit signed value can represent values in the range 0 to 255.

What is 1 1 2?

It is a list of three signed integers, followed by a sign without a value.

What is the integers of 9 degree below zero?

The integer is still 9. It is a signed integer; the sign is minus.

What are signed integers?

An integer is a whole number. A signed integer is one which has a minus or plus sign associated with it. The plus sign may be implied rather than explicit.

Who is allowed to sign auditors letter of representation?

A MANAGEMENT REPRESENTATION LETTER is signed the management of the company being audited. An AUDIT ENGAGEMENT LETTER is signed by both an offical from the auditing firm and the management of the company being audited. (Nt exactly sure which one you wanted.)