The GCF is 3x.
The GCF is 3x.
The GCF of 30 x^2 and 45x is 15x. The GCF of 30 and 45 is 15, and the GCF of x squared and x is x.
The GCF is 5x2
The GCF is 15x^3.
Since −35x3,15x4 - 35 x 3 , 15 x 4 contain both numbers and variables, there are two steps to find the GCF (HCF). Find GCF for the numeric part then find GCF for the variable part.
The GCF is 15x.
The GCF is 12xy^2.
If x>1 then the gcf is 15x. If x<1 then the gcf is 15.
The first example that comes to mind is that since 12xy is a factor of 36xy, you could use 12xy. This would have the GCF that you want. ■
The GCF is 3x.
Rewritten additively.60X2Y + 84XY212XY(5X + 7Y)=============12XY----------greatest gcf
The GCF is 3.
The GCF of 30 x^2 and 45x is 15x. The GCF of 30 and 45 is 15, and the GCF of x squared and x is x.
The GCF is 15x.
The GCF is 5x