The GCF of 58 and 87 is 29.
One way to determine the greatest common factor is to find all the factors of the numbers and compare them. The factors of 29 are 1 and 29.The factors of 87 are 1, 3, 29, and 87.The common factors are 1 and 29. Therefore, the greatest common factor is 29.The greatest common factor can also be calculated by identifying the common prime factors and multiplying them together. The prime factor of 29 is 29.The prime factors of 87 are 3 and 29.The prime factors in common are a single 29, so the greatest common factor is 29. == == 29 is a prime number so its only factors are 1 and 29. The factors of 87 are 1, 3, 29, and 87. The GCF of 29 and 87 is 29.The GCF is 29.
The GCF is 3.
The factors of 87 are 1, 3, 29, and 87.
The factors of 87 are 1, 3, 29, and 87. The prime factors of 87 are 3 and 29. The prime factorization of 87 is 3 * 29.
The GCF is 29.
The GCF is 29.
GCF(58, 29, 87) = 29.
29 is already prime. No tree. 87 3,29 Since there are no common prime factors, the GCF is 1.
The factors of 87 are: 1, 3, 29, 87 The factors of 116 are: 1, 2, 4, 29, 58, 116 The common factors are: 1, 29 The Greatest Common Factor: GCF = 29
The GCF of 58 and 87 is 29.
The GCF is 29.
One way to determine the greatest common factor is to find all the factors of the numbers and compare them. The factors of 29 are 1 and 29.The factors of 87 are 1, 3, 29, and 87.The common factors are 1 and 29. Therefore, the greatest common factor is 29.The greatest common factor can also be calculated by identifying the common prime factors and multiplying them together. The prime factor of 29 is 29.The prime factors of 87 are 3 and 29.The prime factors in common are a single 29, so the greatest common factor is 29. == == 29 is a prime number so its only factors are 1 and 29. The factors of 87 are 1, 3, 29, and 87. The GCF of 29 and 87 is 29.The GCF is 29.
The GCF is 3. 69 = 3 x 23 87 = 3 x 29
It's not necessary for two reasons. First, 29 is a factor of 87 so it will automatically be the GCF of this problem. Second, since factor trees are designed to find prime numbers and 29 is already prime, it doesn't have a tree. But if you insist... 87 3,29 Here we have a factor tree, more like a factor shrub, that shows that the prime factors of 87 are 3 and 29. Since 29 is a factor of 29, the GCF is 29.
The GCF is 3.
The GCF is 1.