To round to the nearest whole number the tenths digit (the one after the decimal point) is the deciding digit whether to round up or down - if it is less than 5 round down, otherwise round up.
The tenths digit of 9.13 is 1 which is less than 5 so round down
9.13 → 9 to the nearest whole number.
4.3 to the nearest whole number is 4
7.2 = 7 ( to nearest whole number).
1.6 to the nearest whole number = 2
9 is the nearest whole number.
18 is the nearest whole number.
The answer is 913
The nearest whole number is 0.The nearest whole number is 0.The nearest whole number is 0.The nearest whole number is 0.
No, it means rounding to the nearest whole number.The nearest whole number is the nearest one .The nearest whole number to 1.9 is 2 .So the nearest whole number to 1,624,381.9 is 1,624,382 .
4.3 to the nearest whole number is 4
It is 51 to the nearest whole number.
7.2 = 7 ( to nearest whole number).
6.5 to the nearest whole number is 7.
To the nearest whole number 0.05 → 0
1.6 to the nearest whole number = 2
It is 10 rounded to the nearest whole number