0.924 is written in word form as: nine hundred twenty-four thousandths. As a fraction it is 924/1000 (not simplified).
Sixty-nine and four hundred nine thousandths. or Sixty nine point four zero nine
Nine and seventy-four hundredths.
zero point four zero nine four hundred and nine thousandths
It is 58/6, which can be simplified.
The fraction for nine divided by ten is 9/10.
write four and nine tenths as a deicmal, which would be 4.9. In fraction form, it would be 4 9/10.
4 9/10 in fraction form or 4.9 in decimal form.
8/9 that would be the fraction
Any number that is 1-8 divided by 9 (which is a proper fraction) is just that number as a decimal repeating. So 4 divided by 9 is 0.444444444444444444 that repeats forever.
Expressed as a proper fraction in its simplest form, 7.25 percent is equal to 29/400 or twenty-nine four hundredths.
Written in the fraction form, nine tenths looks like this:9---10
Six plus four divided by eight times nine minus four is equal to 6.5
In fraction form, nine hundredths is written as 9 / 100 .