57/8 = 71/8
57/300 written as a percentage is 19%
Expressed as a percentage, 57/60 is equal to 95 percent.
Convert to equivalent fractions with a common denominator and compare numerators: 57/100 = (57×9)/(100×9) = 513/900 5/9 = (5×100)/(9×100) = 500/900 513 > 500 → 513/900 > 500/900 → 57/100 > 5/9 ------------------------------------------------------ Alternatively convert to decimals: 57/100 = 57 ÷ 100 = 0.57 5/9 = 5 ÷ 9 = 0.555.... 0.57 > 0.555... → 57/100 > 5/9
It is 57 /125 simplified
It is 60 as the best estimate for 57
None, since 57 is NOT an irrational number.
Why on earth would anyone need an estimate for 34 and 57 when it is so simple to get the exact answer?34 + 57 = 91
57 over 100 as a percentage is 57%.
57 over 60 is the same as 57 divided by 60:57/60 = 57 ÷ 60 = 0.95
It is: 57.'57'% recurring '57'
It is 57%
57 over 50 as a percentage is 114%.
Add the two and divide by two. Let's try it: 5+7=12 12÷2=6 --halfway between 5 and 7 is 6. Again: 125+239=364 364÷2=182 -- halfway between 125 and 239 is 182. You can also do this long form: 239-125=114 & 114÷2=57 then 125+57=182 -- back to halfway.
57 percent