

What is the decimal for the number 31?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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14y ago

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To make a number into a decimal, add a period after the whole number then add 2 zeros to get to the "hundredths". Therefore, the number 31 is converted to the decimal 31.00 Note that a number can be taken from the "tenths", to "hundredths" and up. But, there is hardly a reason to add numerous zeros on a whole number that is 1 or 2 digits.

If the number was 3, you could use the tenths (3.0) or hundredths (3.00).

Fractions would not necessarily end in a "point zero" as whole numbers do. For example, the fraction "3/2" would equal 1.5 as a decimal. The fraction "300/2" would be "150.0" or simply 150 if you dropped the decimal.

In fractions that result in a decimal lower than the number "1", the point zero would be added in front of the number. For example, the fraction "3/8" equals "0.375" as the decimal version.

In division of numbers with an equal remainder, the answer would simply be a whole number to which you can add or leave off the zeros. For example, 300 divided by 2=150 (which is the same as 150.0 or 150.00). But, 153 divided by 2 would equal 76.5

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