0.83 is eighty-three hundredths.
In word form 15.083 is fifteen and eighty-three thousandths.
Four and eighty-six hundredths in decimal form is 4.86
well, to find the decimal form of 2/8, you need to divide the numerator by the denominator. 2 divided by 8 is 0.25. the decimal form is 0.25
Eighty three thousandths is written .083 in decimal form.
3/8 in decimal form is 0.375.
Expressed as a decimal fraction, three and seven eighths is equal to 3.875.
three- eights = 3/83/8 in decimal = 3 ÷ 8 = 0.375
Two and three hundred eighty-five thousandths hours in decimal form is 2.385 hours.
0.83 is eighty-three hundredths.
Three eights, means 3 divided by 8. The answer is 0.375.
In word form 15.083 is fifteen and eighty-three thousandths.
You write it as: 3.085.