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If you put the original price in cell A1, then the formula you insert into cell B1 or whichever other cell you wish to calculate the new value is:


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Q: What is the formula if price drops in 30 percent in excel?
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100%For example, let's say the original price is $100.Reducing it by 50% drops the price down to $50.In order to return the price to $100, $50 must be doubled, which is saying it must be increased by 100%.

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The formula is: 1.3y = 213.90 Where y = wholesale price. Solving for y: y = 213.90 / 1.3 y = $164.54

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The sale price is $156.00

How do you write formula in Excel to add 20 percent in cost price?

You could do it in a few ways. Assumung the cost price was in cell A2 and in another cell you wanted to show it having been increased by 20%, you could do any of these: =A2*120% =A2*1.2 =A2+A2*20%

How can you use advanced Excel tools such as conditional formatting and additional tools to manage business finances?

An effective use of conditional formatting is to automatically highlight a cell if the total drops below a specified limit, such as stock price.

Hiking boots that cost 150 a pair are reduced by 40 percent for a special weekend sale By what percent must the special sales price be increased to bring the price back to 150?

cost = 150 X = 100% = 1.00 = original percent Y = 40% = 0.40 = percent reduced Z = sale percent Reduction formula based on the above variables X and Y: X - Y = Z Z = 0.6 This means the boots are on sale for 60% of their original price, or 90 a pair. To bring 90 up to 150, simply use the following formula based on these variables: A = raised price B = sale price C = percent the sales price is raised by to reach the raised price A/B = C 150/90 = 1.67 Or, to increase the sales price of 90 to the raised price of 150, you would need to sell the boots for 167% of the sales price. 100% of the sales price is 90, so the increase is 67%.