If you put the original price in cell A1, then the formula you insert into cell B1 or whichever other cell you wish to calculate the new value is:
The sale price is $156.00
Market price x's Karat percent. Then divide by 31.13 (troy ounce) Then that total is your full melt price. Then you divide that by 2 for your average price a pawn shop would pay you for it.
It is 100*(1 - Discounted price/Full price) or 100*Discount amount/Full price
Double price is equal to 200% of the original price.
Commission = percent x original price / 100 so original price = commission x 100 / percent
The formula of net profit in MS Excel is:- =net profit(cost price+sell price/100*200*2)
The original price was $60, and 15% off drops that to $51.
Multiply the pre-markup price by 1.3
GP=(sell price-cost)/sell price. In excel, whatever result you get format that cell to be a percentage by hitting the % button in the menu bar.
100%For example, let's say the original price is $100.Reducing it by 50% drops the price down to $50.In order to return the price to $100, $50 must be doubled, which is saying it must be increased by 100%.
Many retailers and stores advertise huge price drops on their merchandise. Walmart is one of the leading examples of retailers that offer enormous price drops.
The formula is: 1.3y = 213.90 Where y = wholesale price. Solving for y: y = 213.90 / 1.3 y = $164.54
The sale price is $156.00
An effective use of conditional formatting is to automatically highlight a cell if the total drops below a specified limit, such as stock price.
You could do it in a few ways. Assumung the cost price was in cell A2 and in another cell you wanted to show it having been increased by 20%, you could do any of these: =A2*120% =A2*1.2 =A2+A2*20%
The sales price formula is Sale Price=(Normal Price)(Compliment of Markdown)