kilo = 1000deci = 1/10 centi = 1/100 milli = 1/1000 micro = 1/1000000 nano = 1/1000000000.
Every fraction is an equivalent fraction: each fraction in decimal form has an equivalent rational fraction as well as an equivalent percentage fraction.
A fraction that has a different sign to the first fraction.
To convert from milli- to centi- you divide by 10, so 9.01 mg = 0.901 cg
Divide the fraction by 100, and you will get the percentage of a fraction.
1/1000 times
A centi-meter is one one hundreth of a meter or 1/100.
"centi."Centi- as in centimetre, centilitre, even century.
kilo = 1000deci = 1/10 centi = 1/100 milli = 1/1000 micro = 1/1000000 nano = 1/1000000000.
The prefix is centi-
centi- = 0.01
Deci is Latin for "ten", Centi is Latin for "hundred"
i believe centh comes before centi
100 are in mili smaller than centi
Giancarlo Centi was born on 1959-05-14.