53 is already prime.
2 x 43 = 86
No common prime factors; the GCF is 1.
53 = 125
Prime factorization of 275 = 52 x 11 Prime factorization of 1000 = 23 x 53 gcf(275, 1000) = 52 = 25.
2 x 53 = 250
125 = 53
24 X 3 X 53
The prime factorization for 53 is: 1 x 53 .Exponents would only get in the way.
The GCF of 17, 34, and 106 is 1.The prime factorization of 17 is 1*17.The prime factorization of 34 is 2*17.The prime factorization of 106 is 2*53.Therefore, the GCF is 1.
53 = 125
53 = 125
53 is a prime number so there is no relevant prime factorization for it.
Prime factorization of 275 = 52 x 11 Prime factorization of 1000 = 23 x 53 gcf(275, 1000) = 52 = 25.
23 x 53
23*53 = 1000
22 x 53
53*112 = 15125
125 = 53