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There is no such number, but is is a tiny, minuscule, fraction below zero. But half that fraction is a higher negative number. And half of THAT fraction is higher still. And so on.

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Q: What is the highest negative number?
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you would know because it is the postive that is the highest number. not the negative

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Lead has an atomic number of 82, followed by Bismuth and then polonium, which is listed as a "Metalloid" or semi-metal. These have the highest number of electrons.

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A positive number will always be greater than a negative number. If two integers have the same sign, and this sign is negative, then the lower number in absolute value will be the highest. If two integers have positive signs, the larger number will be the highest. If one of the numbers is zero and the other number is negative, then zero will always be the higher number. If one of the numbers is zero, and the other number is positive, the positive number wil always be highest. And just a reminder, for any number n, the absolute value of n, often written |n| , we have |n|=n if n is greater than or equal to zero and |n|= negative n if n is less than zero. For example, |3|=3 |-3|= -(-3)=3

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