Nine hundred ninety-nine million, nine hundred ninety-nine thousand, nine hundred ninety-nine
Prime factorization of 999999999 = 34 × 37 × 333667
It has been proven that there is no largest prime number, and therefore there exists a prime number, in fact, infinitely many, greater than 10^999999999 (having a billion digits); however, no humans have actually found a specific number of that size and identified it as prime.
It depends upon the base of the number, but it is always one less than the base. For decimal numbers (base 10), our usual numbers, the largest digit that can be used in 10 - 1 = 9.
999999999 is not a prime number because it has more factors than 1 and itself. It is obvious that 9 is one of its additional factors.
With no digit rejected, 999999999 With no digit repeated, 987654321
999999999 -1111 give your answer = 999998888
the code for law runes plus other runes is: law runes: ::pickup 0563 999999999 nature runes: ::pickup 0561 999999999 fire runes: ::pickup 0554 999999999 water runes: ::pickup 0555 999999999 mind runes: ::pickup 0558 999999999 chaos runes: ::pickup 0562 999999999 air runes: ::pickup 0556 999999999 body runes: ::pickup 0559 999999999 death runes: ::pickup 0560 999999999 blood runes: ::pickup 0565 999999999 cosmic runes: ::pickup 0564 999999999 soul runes: ::pickup 0566 999999999 earth runes: ::pickup 0557 999999999 when you enter 999999999 at the end you get unlimited runes!!!! if you have any more questions add vamp0s =)
9.99999998 x 10^17
999999999 times 999993 is 999,992,999,000,007
9999999998000000001. Did the math on paper :P. {| |- | 999,999,998,000,000,000 |} Tha answer to 999999999 times 999999999 is 9.99999998 times 10 to the power of 17 which is 999999998000000000