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It depends upon the base of the number, but it is always one less than the base.

For decimal numbers (base 10), our usual numbers, the largest digit that can be used in 10 - 1 = 9.

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Q: What is the largest digit that you can use in place value?
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What is the largest digit you can use in each place value?


What is the largest digit that you can use in each place value?

It depends on which base system you are using. If you use base 10 (the most common one which is used for most math) then any digit from 0 through 9 is acceptable for any given place value. The largest of these digits would be 9. If you are using a different base system then the answer will be different. For example, in base three the numbers 0 through 2 are acceptable for any one place value. The greatest digit in base three for a place value is 2.

What is the largest digit number without repetition?

Assuming you can use each digit only once, the logical answer has to be 9,876,543,210 (since you would want to use the largest numbers in the highest value places).

Explain why estimating before you divide helps you place the first digit in the quotient?

You can use estimation and place value to help you figure out where to place the first digit.

When would you use place value in real life?

You use place value for all decimal numbers that contain fractional parts. You also use place value for all decimal integers other than those containing only one-digit.

How does the position of a number determine its value?

The value of a digit in a number is the face value of the digit multiplied by its place value. In the decimal system, the value of the digit immediately to the left of the decimal point is units so that its numeric value is the face value of that digit. The place value of any other digits is ten times the place value of the digit to its right - or one tenth of the digit to its left.In the binary system, the place value goes up in multiples of 2, in the octal system in powers of 8 and in hexadecimal in 16s. There are also number systems based on other bases.

What is the highest digit that can be use in its place value?

9 (in decimal). In any other base, it is (base-1)

What is the largest five-digit number that can be formed with no odd digits and without repeating any digit?

The key to solving this kind of problem is to use the largest digit you possibly can, starting at the left. For example, the largest even digit is 8, so you start with an 8. For the next digit - the second from left - you can't repeat the 8, nor any odd digit, so you need to use the next-largest even digit.

What is the largest number can be formed using the number 2463?

Pressumably, you want to use each digit once. Starting from the left, use the largest digit you can every time. For example, the left-most digit should be "6".

What is the largest number that can be formed with no odd numbers and without repeating any digit?

The key to solving this kind of problem is to use the largest digit you possibly can, starting at the left. For example, the largest even digit is 8, so you start with an 8. For the next digit - the second from left - you can't repeat the 8, nor any odd digit, so you need to use the next-largest even digit.

How do you use a decimal in weight?

A decimal number is simply a way of representing a number in such a way that the place value of each digit is ten times that of the digit to its right. It does not relate directly to weight.

Why do you use decimal for?

A decimal number is simply a way of representing a number in such a way that the place value of each digit is ten times that of the digit to its right. A decimal representation does not require a decimal point.