The ordinal number for 26 is 26th in digits. Spelled out, it's twenty-sixth.
They are: 26th and twenty-sixth, respectively.
The cardinal number 20 is spelled "twenty". The ordinal is "twentieth".
13 is a cardinal number, not an ordinal number.
The ordinal number of 22 is 22nd and the ordinal word is twenty-second.
The ordinal number for 26 is 26th in digits. Spelled out, it's twenty-sixth.
The ordinal number 21st is written out "twenty-first."twenty-first
They are: 26th and twenty-sixth, respectively.
No, but the ordinal number of 23 is: 23rd. In words it would be: twenty-third.
sixth is an ordinal number already. six is the related cardinal number.
twenty eight
twenty one
Expressed in words, the corresponding ordinal number for the cardinal number 127 is one hundred and twenty-seventh.