sixth is an ordinal number already.
six is the related cardinal number.
The ordinal number for 26 is twenty sixth of 26th and that of 51 is fifty first of 51st.
Yes - cardinal numbers are the counting numbers. This is as distinct from ordinal numbers - the corresponding ordinal number for 66 is sixty-sixth.
Sixth = 6th
The ordinal number for 26 is 26th in digits. Spelled out, it's twenty-sixth.
They are: 26th and twenty-sixth, respectively.
Saturn is the sixth planet from the sun.
Yes, "fifth" is an ordinal number that indicates the position of an item in a sequence when counting. It usually comes after "fourth" and before "sixth".
Expressed in words, the equivalent ordinal number for the cardinal number 26 would be twenty-sixth.
The ordinal number for 26 is twenty sixth of 26th and that of 51 is fifty first of 51st.
The ordinal number 21st is written out "twenty-first."twenty-first
"Sixth" is an ordinal number when used to indicate the position in a sequential order, such as "the sixth house on the left."