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what os the set of all integers divisible by 5

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Q: What is the set of all integer divisible by 5 in set builder notation?
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All numbers of the form 6+12x are, for all integer x.

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Not sure about the set builder notation, but Q = {0}, the set consisting only of the number 0.

What are all the numbers divisible by 10?

All numbers divisible by 10 end in zero and all numbers that end in 0 are divisible by 10. ( I am assuming base 10 notation, of course)

Is 117 divisible by 9?

Yes. 117/9=13. An easy test for divisibility by nine (for an integer of any length) is to add all of the digits. If the sum is nine or a number divisible by nine, then the integer is divisible by nine. In this case, 1+1+7=9, so 117 is divisible by nine. (Be careful, this test fo divisibility only works generally for divisibility by three -- i.e., an integer is divisible by three if and only if the sum of its digits equals three or a multiiple of three-- and for nine.) To find if an integer is divisible by 4, you can check if the last two digits are. If they are, it is. To check if an integer is divisible by 6, you must make sure that the integer is divisible by both 3 and 2. If you want to check if an integer is divisible by 2, just make sure it's even. Any integer divisible by 10 will end in zero. Any integer divisible by 5 will end in either 5 or 0. This is an important part of pre-algebra, as well as algebra.

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There are infinitely many numbers that are divisible by 202. They are all numbers of the form 202*k where k is some integer.

What is the divisibility test for 15?

It is divisibility by 3 and divisibility by 5.Divisibility by 3: the digital root of an integer is obtained by adding together all the digits in the integer, with the process repeated if required. If the final result is 3, 6 or 9, then the integer is divisible by 3.Divisibility by 5: the integer ends in 0 or 5.

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{x| x is the name of day of week}

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Just carry out the division, and see if you get an integer! Also, all numbers that are divisible by 5 end with 0 or with 5.

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All numbers of the form 855*k where k is any integer.

What is the smallest integer that is divisible by all integers one through ten?

I get 2,520. I could be wrong.

What is the standard scientific notation?

In normalized scientific notation all numbers are written in the form a x 10^b (a times ten raised to the power of b) where a is a nonzero single-digit integer and b is an integer.