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Q: What does n stand for in set builder notation?
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What is the set builder notation of n is the set of real number that are factors of 12?

It is {n : n is in R, n ≠ 0}.All non-zero real numbers divide evenly into any number - including 12.

What is the set builder notation for 3?

First of all, there are many different ways to express 3 in set builder notation, to be more precise, there are many different ways to express the set containing 3 as its only element. Here are a few ways {x∈R | x=3} or {x∈N | 2<x<4} or even just {3}

What is the set builder notation form of 7 12 17 22 27 32 37 42 47 52?

S = {5n + 2 | n = 1, 2, ... , 10}

Use the set builder notation to define the folling set A equals counting number and set B equal even numbers between 9 and 20?

Counting number starts from 1 and continues infinitely in the positive direction. Therefore, set A = {x:x=n; where n>0} On the other hand even numbers between 9 and 20 are 10,12,14,16 and 18, so set B can be denoted as:- B = {x:x=2n; where 4<n<10} Counting number starts from 1 and continues in +direction as mentioned above Set A = {x:x is greater than or equal to 1 and n belongs to natural numbers or counting no.} On the other hand even numbers between 9 and 20 are 10,12,14,16 and 18, so set B can be denoted as:- B = {x:x=2n; where 4<n<10 where n belongs to natural numbers} Remember you should always show to which n belongs.

What does the letter 'n' stand for in '2n diploid' and 'n haploid'?

The symbol n stands for the number of chromosomes in one set, i.e. in one copy of the genome.A haploid nucleus contains a single set of chromosomes (n), and a diploid nucleus two sets (2n).

Which notation shows that S is a function of N?


How do you express a number in scientific notation's and scientific notation's to decimal notation's?

Assuming x is your number, x * 10^n = x moved n decimal places. When n is positive, move the decimal point n places to the right. When n is negative, move the decimal point n places to the left. When n is 0, do nothing.

What notation is used to indicate the absolute value of a number?

There are two options. functional notation: abs(n) or vertical parallel linesL |n|

What is n in scientific notation?

In scientific notation, "n" represents the coefficient or mantissa, which is a number between 1 and 10. It is multiplied by a power of 10, denoted by the exponent, to give the overall value of the number.

What number should replace N for 700000 in scientific notation?

In scientific notation it is: 7.0*105

What is the standard notation for a rotation?

The standard notation for a rotation in n-dimensional space is an nxn matrix.

What does DNA mean what does the D stand for and what does the N stand for and what does the A stand for?

DNA stands for deoxyribonucleic acid. The "D" stands for deoxyribose, which is the sugar molecule in the backbone of the DNA strand. The "N" stands for nucleic, indicating that DNA is a type of nucleic acid. The "A" stands for acid, referring to the acidic nature of the molecule.