Sum = 0 For N = 1 to 10 Sum = Sum + 2*N Next N Print Sum
The sum is four.
3874 + 1845 = 5719 is the actual sum. I'm not sure where the 'estimated sum' comes into it.
No. Sum of odd + odd = even Sum of odd + even = odd Sum of even + even = even
To determine whether the sum of two fractions with a common denominator is greater than, less than, or equal to 1, you need to add the numerators of the fractions together and compare the result to the common denominator. If the sum of the numerators is greater than the denominator, the sum of the fractions will be greater than 1. If the sum of the numerators is less than the denominator, the sum of the fractions will be less than 1. If the sum of the numerators is equal to the denominator, the sum of the fractions will be equal to 1.
7% of 6329 = 7% * 6329 = 0.07 * 6329 = 443.03
salary = 1150 + 7% of 6329 = 1150 + 7/100 × 6329 = 1593.03
In the 1438 Pachacuti ruled the incas
Inca ruler in about 1438
The Young and the Restless - 1973 1-6329 was released on: USA: 9 March 1998
The Bold and the Beautiful - 1987 1-6329 was released on: USA: 24 May 2012
The two tens, either side of 1438 are 1430 and 1440. The nearer of these two is 1440. And that is the answer.
In 1438