Greater than is >. Always look at the > and < as being a monster. The big open end is the mouth and its always hungry for BIGGER things. The other end is a smaller monster and it always hungry for SMALLER things.
Usually the symbol ≥ is used to represent the words "greater than or equal to." ____ The greater than symbol is > and the equal to sign is =. The less than symbol is <.
Greater than: > Less than: <
The greater than symbol is typically a mathematical symbol declaring that one given value or number is greater than another given value or number. One would use this symbol for certain mathematical applications, as well as to indicate in any circumstance that one things value is greater than another.
≥ but without the line underneath.
The symbol for greater than is >
The symbol for greater than is > and the symbol for less than is <
The greater than symbol is ">" and the less than symbol is "<", without the quotes.
It is > for less than and < for greater than.
Usually the symbol ≥ is used to represent the words "greater than or equal to." ____ The greater than symbol is > and the equal to sign is =. The less than symbol is <.
It is >
The greater than symbol is > Example: -5 negative is greater than -10 negative -5 > -10
Symbols 'Greater than' is > 'Less then' is < 'Equals' is = If a value is quoted as ' less /greater than or equals' then the symbol(s) is '='
Accenture has a logo with a t and a greater than symbol above it.
A liter is more than a quart. Some of you might recognize this symbol > if you are in a certain grade then you may recognize that symbol in this case it would be a greater than symbol. Thank you for reading my answer.
maikia invited the symbol in 1780
The "is greater than" and "is less than" symbols are the relations of an equality. this is the greater than symbol > this is the less than symbol <