Sixteen hundred-thousandths in decimal form is 0.00016
Nine hundred sixty-eight thousandths in decimal form is 0.968
Two hundred nine thousandths can be written as 0.209 in decimal form. This is because the decimal point separates the whole number part (0) from the fractional part (209 thousandths). In decimal form, each place value to the right of the decimal point represents a power of 10, with the first place being tenths, the second being hundredths, and the third being thousandths.
Three hundred three thousandths in the standard form is 0.303
It is 900.099
.816 is eight hundred sixteen thousandths in decimal form .816 is eight hundred sixteen thousandths in decimal form .816 is eight hundred sixteen thousandths in decimal form
Sixteen hundred-thousandths in decimal form is 0.00016
7,000 hundred-thousandths in decimal form is: 0.07 or 0.07000
Sixteen hundred-thousandths in decimal form is 0.00016
Sixty-seven hundred-thousandths in decimal form is 0.00067
Sixty-eight hundred-thousandths written in decimal form is 0.00068
Two and six hundred thousandths in decimal form would be written as 2.00006
The numeral is 6.00409 (the decimal value is 409 hundred-thousandths).
Nine hundred sixty-eight thousandths in decimal form is 0.968
Three hundred ninety-one thousandths in decimal form is 0.391
One hundred twenty ten-thousandths in decimal form is 0.0120
Five thousand two hundred thousandths in decimal form is 5.2