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The number 11, (in hexadecimal) is the letter 'b'

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Q: What letter is used to represent the number 11 in hexadecimal?
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What symbols are used to represent numbers in the hexadecimal number system?

0 - 9 plus A - F

Where is Hexadecimal commonly used?

Hexadecimal is commonly used in comoputing to represent a memory byte.

Letter used to represent a number?

A letter used to represent a number is a variable of sometimes a constant.

Why is a letter used to represent a number?


What decimal value does the letter A represent?

Without context, it is difficult to say. I guess you are referring to number bases greater than 10 where letters are used to represent digits above 9; the first digit would be A, the second B and so on. In these cases the letter A is being used to represent 10 times the column value where it is. For example in hexadecimal, the A in 0x6A3 represents 10 x 16 = 160 in decimal (since it is in the sixteens column of the number).

A letter used to represent a number in an equation is a?


A letter used to represent a number is called a?

A letter used to represent a number is called a variable. Typically, the letters x and y are used, but technically you can use any letter of the alphabet.

Where hexa decimal number is used?

These are used quite often to represent values stored in bytes - 1 byte is represented as two hexadecimal digits. For example, both the MAC address of a network card and the new IP addresses (IPv6) are usually shown as hexadecimal.

Does 3EO and 3Eo means the same in hexadecimal notation?

Hexadecimal uses the digits 0-9 and the letters a-f (in either upper case A-F, or lower case a-f). You appear to have used a letter O in upper case and lower case (o). Neither is a valid [standard] hexadecimal digit; so 3EO and 3Eo both mean the same in hexadecimal: a non-valid number. 3E0 and 3e0 are both valid hexadecimal numbers that mean the same (as the decimal number 992). In C, to signify a hexadecimal number it is preceded by 0X or 0x (that is zero-letter X), as in 0x3E0, etc.

What is a symbol that is usually a letter used to represent a number?

A variablẹ

What is a symbol or letter used to represent a number called?

A variable