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Q: Which number system is used to represent color in digital graphics?
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What system used 1's and 0s to represent data?


The system that digital computers use to represent numeric data?

It uses the Binary Numbering System.

What is the name of the Number system used to represent any number as a 1 or a 0?

A number system used to represent any number by a 1 or a zero is a binary system or a base 2 number system.

Advantages of Digital number system over decimal system?

== ==

What is the name of the number system used to represent digital electronics?

Digital electronics devices handle numbers in the form of the binary system. That is, the numbers are represented in base-2, with only two digits. That way, when a digit comes along, it's much easier for the electronic device to decide what digit it is.

What is ASCLL code in digital and number system?

ascll code

Why is binary number system used in digital electronics?

Binary is simpler than decimal. And it is easy to represent binary numbers with signals, since only two states are required. For example, a low voltage state might represent a zero, and a high voltage state might represent a one. Or vice versa.

What is the smallest unit in digital system?

The smallest unit in a digital system is a binary digit, also known as a bit. A bit can represent two possible states: 0 or 1. It is the fundamental building block used for representing data and carrying out computational tasks in digital systems.

What is digital number system?

It will be asumed that you are refering to the binary number system, which is used in computers and digital devices. A binary number is always either 0 or 1. This is also commonly refered to as "low" or "high". This is in contrast to the decimal number system, where the numbers can vary between 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 or 9.

What were some similarities between our current number system and the Egyptian number system?

the way they represent one is a line (|)...

Computer number system?

A computer system is a system of one or more computers and associated software with common storage

What number in your numeral system does the numeral V represent?

= 5