I don't know if this is what you mean, but to make a normal number a square number, you have to times it by itself
I suspect though, that the answer is as follows:
A square number is one that is the product of some integer multiplied by itself. This second integer is the square root of the original number. Thus, 9 is a square number since 3*3 = 9
a square number is a multiplicatin problem that is the same for an example 6x6=36 because it makes a square a prime number is basicly a problem that has no multiplicatin problem except a 1 for an exsample 11x1=11
I'm not sure if I understand your question, but I think you are asking for the square root of 121. If so, your answer is 11. or, 11X11=121
No 38 is not a square number.
When you square a real number the answer is positive,
"Still" implies that the original number is a square number. In that case, the answer is as follows: There is no number such that it is a perfect sqiuare and that the number increased (or decreased) by 10 is also a perfect square. And if you do not limit it to perfect square then every non-negative number is a square with the number that is 10 more also being a square.
All numbers can make a square. Every real number makes a positive real square. Every rational number makes a rational square. Every integer makes a perfect square.
harry of course
6i the square root of a negative number makes an imaginary number (i) and the square root of 36 is 6.
The number is the square root of 128 times the square root of 128 = 128
36 is the square of 6.
A banana is a non-example of a square root.In mathematics, every number is a square root of some number and so the question makes no sense.
36 is the smallest non-trivial number. It is both square and triangular.
Since the square root of a number is the "number times itself that equals the original number," it makes sense that the larger the original number, then the larger the square root. The value of the square root of 2 will be greater than the value of the square root of 1.5.
a square number is a multiplicatin problem that is the same for an example 6x6=36 because it makes a square a prime number is basicly a problem that has no multiplicatin problem except a 1 for an exsample 11x1=11
25 is a square number. Some people maintain that that makes it rectangular; others disagree.
The smallest number that can multiply 68 to get a square number is 17. This is because 68 can be expressed as 2^2 * 17, which means it already contains a factor that makes it a square number when multiplied by 17. Therefore, 17 is the smallest number that can achieve this result.