The denominator of a fraction represents the total number of equal parts into which a whole is divided. It indicates the number of equal parts the whole is divided into and is located below the fraction bar. For example, in the fraction 3/5, the denominator is 5, representing the total number of equal parts in the whole.
The one that shows 3 and 3/4 or 15/4
A probability density function.
That would be a number line.
The exponent shows how many times the base is used as a factor.
A mixed number or mixed fraction.
mixed number
3.3 as a mixed number in lowest terms = 33/10
1.05 as a mixed number in lowest terms = 11/20
17⁄3 = 5 2⁄3
It is a mixed fraction.
14/5 (fourteen fifths) as a mixed number is 2 4/5 (two and four fifths).
A number that describes a part of a set of a part of a whole that is divided into parts is called a fraction. The numerator shows a number of equal parts. The denominator shows how many parts make a whole.
8 and 99/250