1 is the only number that goes into 71 and 100.
80 and 100
97 is the largest prime number below 100.
When calculating with percentages, one method is to first convert them to decimals or fractions. Using the decimal method, 80%=0.8 and 100%=1. Therefore, the literal translation of you question would read "0.8 x 1 = 0.8". 0.8 is the decimal answer. If you wanted a percentage answer, you would convert this back to 80%. Kind of a nonsense question, though. You usually do not take percentages of percentages.
It is 5 : ) addy
Once with a remainder of twenty
What number goes into 49 and 100
100 multiplied by 80 is 8,000.
1 is the only number that goes into 71 and 100.
80 is equal to 80 because it is the same number....... :)ex. (79=79) (100=100)
The HCF of 27 and 80 is 1
Work out 1% of the number by dividing it by 100; then 2.25% of the number is 2.25 times this. eg 2.25% of 80 is: 1% of 80 = 80 ÷ 100 = 0.8 → 2.25% of 80 = 2.25 x (1% of 80) = 2.25 x 0.8 = 1.8 This is the same as considering: Percent means "out of 100" → 2.25 % = 2.25/100 (put the 2.25 over 100) → 2.25% of 80 = 2.25/100 x 80 = 1.8 (as before)
The number 80 means 100 percent 80/100 = 0.8 means 1 percent. 64/0.8 gives 80 percent, belonging to the number 64.
28% of 80 = 80*28/100 = 22.4
80 and 100