80 and 100
97 is the largest prime number below 100.
When calculating with percentages, one method is to first convert them to decimals or fractions. Using the decimal method, 80%=0.8 and 100%=1. Therefore, the literal translation of you question would read "0.8 x 1 = 0.8". 0.8 is the decimal answer. If you wanted a percentage answer, you would convert this back to 80%. Kind of a nonsense question, though. You usually do not take percentages of percentages.
Method 1: 80 * .4 + 80 = 32 + 80 = 112 Method 2: 1. Add 100% to 40% = 140% 2. Convert 140% to decimal form: 140%/100 = 1.4 3. Multiple 1.4 * 80 = 112 <--- this is your answer. Note: The reason you add 100% to the 40% is because the phrase "increase 80" means you have to add 100% of 80 (which is 80 * (100%/100) = 80 * 1 = 80) to the increasing percentage (80 * 40% = 80 * (40%/100) = 80 * .4 = 32) to get your final answer (80 + 32 = 112). It looks like this in summary form: 80 * 100% = 80 * (100%/100) = 80 * 1 = 80 80 * 40% = 80 * ( 40%/100) = 80 * .4 = 32 80 + 32 = 112 You should be able to easily see that you can add 100% + 40% to get 140%, which converts to the decimal number 1.4 1.4 * 80 = your answer (i.e. 112). ============== Previous explanation: Right so you take 80, divide it by 10 (100 if you wanna stay with the full shabang) then multiply it by 4 (40 if you have already divided by 100) and the answer will be 32. add this number to 80. The answer is 112
It is 5 : ) addy
Once with a remainder of twenty
What number goes into 49 and 100
100 multiplied by 80 is 8,000.
80 is equal to 80 because it is the same number....... :)ex. (79=79) (100=100)
The HCF of 27 and 80 is 1
Work out 1% of the number by dividing it by 100; then 2.25% of the number is 2.25 times this. eg 2.25% of 80 is: 1% of 80 = 80 ÷ 100 = 0.8 → 2.25% of 80 = 2.25 x (1% of 80) = 2.25 x 0.8 = 1.8 This is the same as considering: Percent means "out of 100" → 2.25 % = 2.25/100 (put the 2.25 over 100) → 2.25% of 80 = 2.25/100 x 80 = 1.8 (as before)
The number 80 means 100 percent 80/100 = 0.8 means 1 percent. 64/0.8 gives 80 percent, belonging to the number 64.
28% of 80 = 80*28/100 = 22.4
80 and 100
take the number and multiply it by .8 like .8x100 (80 percent of 100) = 80