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i don't know that why i ask you........stupid

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Q: What number is smaller than negative?
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Is a negative number bigger than a normal number?

No it is smaller than 0

What is a smaller negative?

A smaller negative number is any negative number that is closer to zero than another negative number. In simpler terms, a negative number with a smaller absolute value is considered smaller. So, for example, -3 is smaller than -5 because 3 is less than 5. Hope that clears things up for you!

Which has the greater number -8 or 5?

any positive number is larger than a negative. a bigger negative number like -1000 is smaller than -500, which is smaller than 0, think about it like a number line.

Is .15 less than .099?

Yes. If it was negative then .15 would be larger. Unless it’s negative then the smaller number is smaller. If negative, the smaller number would be larger. If that makes sense.

Is a positive number bigger or smaller than a negative number?

It is bigger

Is minus 3 smaller than plus 5?

Yes. -3 is smaller than +5. Any negative number is smaller than any positive number.

Is minus 7 smaller than the number 6?

for starters it is negative seven not minus seven. and yes it is smaller than six because zero is the middle and since negative seven is smaller than it and six is larger it is obvious that negative seven is smaller.

Is negative 14 greater than negative 24?

Yes it is greater. When counting in negative number or using them in math, the smaller the negative number, the bigger it is

If a negative number is smaller than a positive number and you multiply them what does it equal?

A negative multiplied by a positive will always end in a negative number regardless of which number is deemed larger.

Is -310 larger or smaller than -3100?


Is -34 smaller than 24?

- 34 is a negative number, and 24 is a positive number. If we consider the numbers 24 and 34 without reference to either number being positive or negative, then 24 is the smaller number. However, when we consider - 34 and 24 as it is, then - 34 is smaller than 24.

Is negative four thirds less than negative negative one third?

yes, the smaller the negative number the bigger it actually is