Oh, what a happy little question! To find a number with 8 factors, we look for numbers that can be expressed as the product of two prime numbers. The smallest number less than 50 with 8 factors is 30, which can be written as 2 x 3 x 5. Keep exploring and painting with numbers, there are so many beautiful patterns to discover!
The only number that's neither more nor less than 50 is 50.
The smallest odd number greater than 50 is 51.It doesn't matter what it's less than.
It is: 47
48 has 10 factors, the most factors of any number under 50.
1 has one factor.
The numbers for which the sum of its proper factors is 1 less than the number is the powers of 2; less than 50 these are: 2, 4, 8, 16 & 32.
36 The factors of 36 are : 36,18,12,9,6,4,3,2 and 1.
It is 30.
There is no such number. For if you considered 49.99 to be such a number, then 49.995 is a greater number and it is less than 50. And then 49.9955 is even greater and still less than 50. This process can go on without end.
I think it's 51.