666 is the sum of the first 36 numbers: 1+2+3+4... + 36 = 666.
In the book of Revelation, it was most likely intended as a gematria reference; the sum of the numerals represented by hebrew letters in a name. Various candidates have been suggested throughout history.
For example, the hebrew letters of "Caesar Nero" would sum to 666. The roman numerals in "Ellen Gould White" add to 666 (interpreting W as VV and U as V). If you use the code A=101, B=102, etc, then "Hitler" will add up to 666.
Actually, if you can make up the rules as you go along, it's not hard to do with any name at all. Just pick a favorite bogeyman, say "Bill Gates", and try various codes. Aha! the ASCII values in "BILL GATES" (all caps) sum to 663, and then you can add 3 since he's really Bill Gates III.
It's been done with Martin Luther, Muhammad, Ronald Reagan, etc. If necessary, spell the name in Latin, or make up an official-sounding title and add up its roman numerals, and then find lots of subjective and cherry-picked evidence supporting why your target is the Beast of Revelation. For example:
The Roman numerals in the blasphemous title of the pope who claims to substitute for God, forgiving sins, etc., VICARIVS FILII DEI, V=5, I=1, C=100, L=50, D=500; add up to 666: 5+1+100+1+5+1+50+1+1+500 +1 = 666.
The first beast of Revelations 13 is an empire which had seven heads that persecuted God's people. First was Egypt where they were slaves to the pharaohs, second Assyria captured the 10 tribes of northern Israel, third Babylon captured the two remaining tribes of Judah, fourth Medo-Persia, fifth Greece (five are fallen, in John's time, and one is) sixth Rome destroyed the temple, seventh the papacy with the pope ruling from the fall of Rome until the deadly wound of 1798 when Napoleon captured the pope and confiscated all the papal lands. Italy's Benito Mussolini healed the wound, restoring the Vatican City by the Lateran Treaty in 1929. The seventh, restored, became the eighth.
In 1776 a country rose to power on another continent, creating a religious system derived from the Protestant daughters of the great whore, keeping the traditions of man above the commandments of God, trading Passover for Easter, Sabbath worship for "sun"day worship, etc. These were sanctified by the pope, not by the apostles; they are not mentioned in the Bible. Receive the mark of the beast by obeying the pope's laws while disobeying God's laws.
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37 & 41
Pairs of prime numbers which add up to 82 are:3 + 7911 + 7123 + 5929 + 5341 + 41
I am not sure if any two consecutive numbers can add up to an even number.
Start with the natural numbers, 0, 1, 2, ... .Then add the set of negative numbers: this makes up the integers. Next add in the set of ratios of any two integers (the second being non-zero): this makes up the rational numbers. Next add in the set of all numbers which cannot be expressed as terminating or repeating decimal numbers. This is the set of irrational numbers. The rationals and irrationals, together, make up the set of real numbers.
An odd number of odd numbers can not add up to an even number. There fore any 9 (odd) odd numbers can not add up to 50 (even).
Yes, the numbers 0 through to 36 all add up to 666.
Because someone added up all the numbers on the table (1 to 36) and the total amounted to 666, a number associated with the devil.
They add to 666.
The numbers on the wheel add up to 666
the numbers of the wheel add up to 666.. known as the devil number
Because the numbers on the roulette wheel add up to 666, the devil's number.
Because the numbers (0-36) all add up to 666, which is the number associated with the Devil.
Because the numbers (0-36) all add up to 666, which is the number associated with the Devil.
The Numbers on the wheel ad up to 666.
Because someone added up all the numbers on the table (1 to 36) and the total amounted to 666, a number associated with the devil.