number of prime numbers in 71 to 80 = 3prime numbers in 71 to 80 = 71, 73, & 79
A prime number has no other factors except itself and 1. There are three numbers between 80 and 100 that are prime: 83, 89 and 97.
Those two numbers would be 80 and 40. 80*40=3200 80+40=120
Numbers that round to 80 are those that fall between 75 and 84. When rounding to the nearest ten, any number 75 to 84 will round to 80. This is because the midpoint between 75 and 84 is 79.5, which rounds up to 80. Therefore, the numbers that round to 80 are 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, and 84.
The prime numbers between 80 and 100 are 83, 89, and 97.83 89 97.
The LCM of both numbers is 720
The whole-number factors of 80 are 1, 2, 4, 5, 8, 10, 16, 20, 40, and 80.
number of prime numbers in 71 to 80 = 3prime numbers in 71 to 80 = 71, 73, & 79
The only number that equals 80 is 80, and it's not a prime number.
Only the number 1 since the two numbers are co-prime.
There is an infinity of such numbers: 8000000 is one, for example.
There are any number of numbers that will make 160. 4x40. 8x20. 10x16. Only to mention a few.
No - the closest triangular numbers either side of 80 are 78 and 91.
No but they are both even numbers
As a number it is: 80,000
The number 60 is spelled as sixty, and the number 80 is spelled as eighty.