As a percentage it is 80%
This is a 40% decrease.
110 out of 120, as a percentage = 100*110/120 = 91.66...%
48% is 120 out of 250 as a percentage.
The highest common factor of 120 and 150 is 130
120 as a percentage of 150 is 80%
120% of 150 = 120% * 150 = 1.2 * 150 = 180
The numerical decrease is 120 - 84 = 36. The percentage decrease is thus 100 x (36/120) = 30%.
150 to 132 is a decrease of 12%
8% decrease.
150 volts is 125% of 120 volts.
As a percentage it is 80%
This is a 40% decrease.
120.0 : 150.0 = 80.0%
What is the sale price of an item that costs $75.00 and is discounted 30%?