The percentage of people in the US that can read is 99% .
You should do a survey for about 100 - 200 people. Then, calculate it to see which sides has more percentage
Well, in my family(4 people) The percentage is 3/4 right-handed.-Comment by TwixManiac!
if there are 180 people and 80 were female and the rest are men what percentage is the men?
Everybody knows how to eat healthy but sometimes people don't. That means that the French don't all eat healthy but they don't not eat healthy either.
The food pyramid. it shows you what percentage of what to eat a day.
she made a club about to eat healthy foods!
to be healthy
people eat fish because they feel it is healthy.
36% people of world eats healthy breakfast.
"You are what you eat" - that means if you eat healthy food, you will be more healthy; if you eat junk food, you will be less healthy. Healthier people have more energy, get sick less often, weigh less, and look better than unhealthy people.
Your body has a better chance of being healthy if you eat healthy. It is not guaranteed, however. Many people suffer allergies, illnesses, and cancer even if they eat a healthy diet.
If you are serious, the answer is "not healthy people."
healthy foods