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Q: What percentage of the worlds water come from underground?
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Only one percent of the worlds water? fresh water. No. One percent of the world would be totally incorrect if there were a test that would ask you such question. The correct answer would be 3/4. If the water were to be one percent, than that means water will only cover 1/4 of the world and land will cover 3/4 of the world. When you look at a photo of Earth, you can see that most of Earth is covered blue. Blue stands for water. Another way you can think positive is that,think what you would do if you wasted all the water there is on Earth. And you are in the the middle of the winter. How would you get water if there is no rain avilable.You can't get rain to come in the winter time. It will be snow by the time it falls from the sky. This is why we have so much water to last.

How do you write three fourths as a percentage?

3/4 written as a percentage is 75%.You must put it in decimal form first, 3/4 as a decimal is .75. After you arrive at the decimal form you must multiply that answer by 100, you come to a solution of 75%.75%75%

How do you divide a whole number by a percentage number?

Well, say you are dividing 238 by 68%. To work it out you would have to divide 238 by 0.68 (the same as 23,800 divided by 68) and you would come up with 350 ...... All you have to do is convert the percentage into a decimal and then divide. You are finding the answer to the equation

How do you order rational numbers when they come in percent forms?

Any percentage is simply a rational number, with the denominator of 100. So multiply them all by 100 and order the resulting rational numbers.

What percentage of an offsprings genetic information is the same as the genetic information of a parent during asexual reproduction?

100%. If there's no other party involved, then the genetic information can only physically come from the parent organism.

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Assuming you mean tap water, it comes from underground Artesian wells.

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underground sources of water provide that.

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The lake is supplied with water from underground water sources that come to the surface.

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About 50% !! really! its a big number, i come from there and i didnt even know! oops!

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My water comes from a large dam just outside my city.

Where does the fresh water come from?

The earth's fresh water is naturally occurring water that is in ice sheets, ice caps, glaciers, icebergs, bogs, ponds, lakes, rivers and streams, and underground as groundwater in aquifers and underground streams.

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North Dakota's water resources come from both surface water(lakes, rivers, streams) and underground water (aquifers and wells).

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The worlds came out.